Contracts and legal documents created by lawyers at your fingertips

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Etherparty is about simple tools for the next generation of Blockchain-connected economies powered by Smart Contract automation. No programming required. Visually create Smart Contracts.

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Automated contracts and legal documents

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Beamium makes it easy to present, share and discuss documents online from browser to browser. Lawyers know how difficult it is to discuss legal documents and contracts over distance. Existing screen-sharing products are difficult

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We help people make sense of law in Latin America with DYI books, contracts and materials.

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Brightleaf provides a technology powered service to extract information from your contracts using our own proprietary semantic intelligence/natural language processing technology, our own team of lawyers to check the output, and

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Manage your contracts in 2 minutes

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CommonAccord is an initiative to create global codes of legal transacting by codifying and automating legal documents, including contracts, permits, organizational documents, and consents.

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We make contracts easier to understand

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Paper Software is the developer of Turner for Mac and Contract Tools for Windows PCs, both powerful tools for creating and analyzing contracts.A full-featured application for working with contracts. Only for Mac.

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