Artificial Intelligence for Documents Infinote helps enterprises find risks and opportunities inside their documents by combining human-like skills with the power of machines. Analyze Clauses Analyze and compare individual

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We offer a blockchain-powered service for making deals with confidence using smart contracts. Smart contract is a tool that makes transactions smooth and safe, whenever you order a design or pay the rent. The blockchain

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Legally Binding Smart Contracts, AI powered interface allowing you to build smart contract-based legal agreements on the blockchain. Blockchain Ethereum SmartContracts

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Skuchain – Blockchain Technology for Supply Chain Brackets Cryptographically secure smart contracts governing an entire purchase cycle. Popcodes Proof of Provenance codes, a crypto-serialization solution to track flow of goods

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Doctual is a platform for a complete and easy legal documentation online. With doctual, you can save your money and time by building, signing, geting professional revisions, storing and managing contracts online

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Smart contracts These computer-coded agreements secure your transactions. We provide everyone with smart contracts-as-a-service (scaas). Tribunal.Ai Our decentralized autonomous organization (dao) providing artificially

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OWL is a self-adaptive artificial intelligence platform. Information governance Compliance Internal investigations Risk management Responding to government inquiries E-discovery Litigation Contracts

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Write contracts that can be read by machines!

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Okidoc has great experience in the realization of digital rental contracts as well as in communications between tenants and owners.

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Create contracts easily

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