Automated fraud prevention, powered by real-time machine learning. Integrate in an afternoon!

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Aventus is a fair, secure, and transparent blockchain-based event ticketing solution that practically eliminates fraud and unregulated touting.

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adbank is a powerful platform built on the blockchain to remove middlemen & dramatically reduce the $50 billion problem of ad fraud using advanced AI technology.

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Leader in geolocation-powered fraud technology. AntiPiracy AntiFraud ContentSecurity GeoPiracy Streaming SportRights TVrights OTT StopVPN

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An Ethereum Blockchain application that adds a layer of security to the process of last will and testament distribution, aiming to reduce conflict between family members and eliminate fraud.

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Fully automated audit confirmation system for accountants. Stop fraud, save time and save money!

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Fraud Protection Solution for the Bitcoin Ecosystem. Reputation management and consumer protection for the Bitcoin ecosystem.

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CashShield is an enterprise risk management company that helps companies manage their risks from fraudulent payments and hostile accounts.

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Xcalar provides a business analytics platform which gives meaningful insights from big data e.g. Fraud Detection in Financial Services, E-commerce & Retail. Xcalar Data Science. They can visually explore data, and visually build

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Ayasdi offers a machine intelligence platform that helps organizations gain transformative advantage from big data. ccurately measure and control risk, proactively detect and prevent fraud and effectively evaluate capital reserve

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