Purchase-to-Pay forensics fraud & risk Saas software in the cloud

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Introducing SpiderAF - Advanced AI-Powered Digital Ad Fraud Detection and Reporting for Everyone.

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buguroo is specialized in the development of software for online fraud prevention.

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SheerID is an enterprise verification platform that provides instant verification while minimizing friction and mitigating fraud.

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RedMarlin is a deep learning-powered fraud prevention platform protecting the world’s leading brands from counterfeit activity.

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Fight fraud together by using the combined intelligence of all merchants. Decrease fraud cost, optimize conversion!

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Tongdun Technology develops online software solutions for anti-theft and fraud management applications.

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Zhuiyi Technology is an artificial intelligence start-up that develops AI platform. Data analytics for finacial industry. securities fraud.

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Covery is a risk platform that brings together event chain analysis, feature engineering, rule management and machine learning to obtain the most accurate results in risk management and fraud prevention.

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Arctic Intelligence is dedicated online financial crime risk assessment tool for AML/CFT, Anti-Bribery & Corruption, Fraud and Cyber Risks.

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