Legal Hat is a transformative legal solution empowering hardworking businesses and consumers to make contracts work better for them.

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Using artificial intelligence and collaborative features, we allow companies to better prepare, review, negotiate, execute and manage their contracts.

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Professional Document platform for Individuals and Businesses to Create professional documents and legal contracts effortlessly for FREE.

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fynk lets you automate the entire contract lifecycle. It allows you to create, edit, review, approve, sign, analyse and manage contracts.

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Superlegal is a contract and negotiating service that allows you to complete your contracts faster and cheaper than any lawyer.

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Connect and scale your business globally with DeepL’s human-sounding AI translator and writing tools. DeepL is a deep-learning company that specializes in language translation. Translate complex legal language, contracts, and

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Legal AI for in-house legal teams - speed up your contract redlines. DraftPilot uses AI to quickly markup contracts, allowing lawyers to focus on strategic work. It integrates with MS Word, has custom playbooks, and keeps data

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The smart template tool for contracts, where you can write legally robust contracts in an easy and affordable way.

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Modusign is an IT brand and electronic contract company. ModuSign is Korea's top e-contracting service, enabling 5-minute contracts with legal validity, security, and forgery verification. 260,000+ companies use it for

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Programmatic is a platform for automating contracts with built-in self-executing clauses for payments, operations, and compliance tracking.

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