Generate, negotiate, execute and manage legal contracts digitally. Start from existing templates or bring your own contract.

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Citation Professional Solutions provides all the support you need in key areas: HR & Employment Law Services. From confusing contracts and procedures to dealing with difficult employees, our highly qualified, straight-talking

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Kira is a powerful machine learning software that identifies, extracts, and analyzes text in your contracts and other documents. Gain visibility into contract repositories, accelerate and improve the accuracy of contract review,

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Freshworks provides businesses with SaaS customer engagement solutions. A smarter way to manage your contracts. Maintain record of contracts with third-party vendors and manage approvals

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Data Gumbo provides blockchain-based smart contracts to automate contract execution between companies.

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neopolis' SaaS-Tool empowers lawyers and clients to collaborate Git-based on contracts, litigation, governance risk or compliance, privacy, and practice management.

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At Webdox, we believe that it is possible to generate value by optimizing the administration of your company's contracts.

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Maker of sem.Contract: manage your contracts centralized, safely and wherever you are. Includes numerous functions, to manage contracts efficiently and ensures a continuous overview about contracts, costs, transactions, clients,

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Created the world's first data-driven and IoT-enabled legal contracts. hyperledger and entethalliance member. Connected Contracting. Simply connect your contracts to the Internet of Things and APIs to self-manage commercial

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Legal Pilot makes it possible to model very simply your acts and contracts which become agile and dynamic, from the simple mail to the most complex contract.

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