
Trusted digital ID. Synaps customers comes from many industries including banking, insurance, gambling, cryptocurrency and many more.

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Mission RGPD is online software that offers GDPR compliance, data protection regulations, audits, impact analysis, and contract management.

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Dimension Informatique Realisations specializes in legal software for accessible, qualified and protected management data.

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Co-developed by lawyers and engineers, Agrume is a software for preparing and monitoring HR procedures that takes into account applicable legal and contractual provisions. (Citrus)

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Infolegale provides a legal information platform to monitor company solvency.

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MyFormality provides legal, administrative, and financial services for professionals. We offer solutions with the best technological solutions (automated documents, management tools) and access to more than 300 experts in less

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SOLAL Tech platform manages digital assets including social networks, email, bank accounts, and provides legal support in succession.

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Conformitee provides security, digital platform, confidentiality, regulation, KYC, and collaborative tool services for businesses and banks.

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Productivity tool for Commissioners and Bailiffs. Revolutionize the treatment of your bailiff's findings. Web and mobile application, which involves all stakeholders in the observation.

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Cegid is a major provider of business management solutions for CPAs, financial and tax managers, as well as for HR, payroll and retail professionals.

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