Automation tool for court appointed liquidators #legaltech. KuraTech simplifies manual chores to boost quality work for court-appointed liquidators, using automation and generative AI technologies.

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HatchWorks uses generative AI like ChatGPT and Copilot to accelerate software development processes like design, coding, testing and more

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Generative AI in documents drafting, management, compliance, summarizing etc. SaaS, enterprise SaaS, on-premise, developer tools, chatbot

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Arrowhead is the generative AI knowledge layer that decreases data gaps and delivers insights in less than a second.

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Generative AI Knowledge Engine for Intelligence, Investing, and Legal Research

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The full-stack generative AI platform purpose-built for innovative enterprises. AI-powered storytelling platform

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Latch uses GPT-4 to reduce the time, cost, and effort spent towards negotiating your agreements. Latch develops a generative AI contracting assistant for legal teams.

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Dr. Guido is a mobile app based on GPT-4, with a dialogue interface between any person (identified as a patient) and a virtual doctor. Intelligent answers to every request for information related to a disease.

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Generative AI Synthetic Data Cloud for Deep Learning in Vision AI SKY ENGINE AI is a Synthetic Data Cloud for Deep Learning in Vision AI

read more is the new web portal of the Greek state. It hosts all the digital services of the ministries , agencies, organizations , independent authorities and regions of the State, which are already provided via the internet. GPT

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