Using artificial intelligence and collaborative features, we allow companies to better prepare, review, negotiate, execute and manage their contracts.

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Use ContractPen to create legal documents which also integrate with the Blockchain Smart Contracts. By integrating contracts with the Smart Contract Accord Project, ContractPen makes it easy to deploy contracts to the Blockchain.

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We automate legal relations, develop business solutions based on smart contracts and legal architecture for them, advise businesses, lawyers, and government agencies on automation issues in the field of law. We sell exclusive

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Intuitive, Affordable, Reliable. Dochive’s Smart Contract and Agreement creator takes the “con” out of contracts.

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ContractHub provides customized contract lifecycle management solutions for enterprises that manage multiple asset and/or service contracts as part of their business operations.

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Synthetic Minds secures smart contracts using program synthesis.

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Develops verified digital identity solutions for regulated industries, leveraging blockchain, smart contracts and crypto technologies.

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Blocknify, legally sign PDFs on Smart Contracts without your document being exposed. When you sign a document, we create a Smart Contract, which defines who is allowed to sign and holds their signature to create a permanent

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LEXA is a legal case management system that manages vital documents and all other aspects of legal cases. Legal Assistant includes document mass-loading, managing and editing contracts, court letters, proposals, videos, and

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We modernize legal services: RGPD and DPO software Automated contracts "Smart Contracts" Redesign of contracts and other documents "Privacy by Design" Visualization of legal advice

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