Compliance-as-a-Service that offers a simpler solution for KYC, FATCA, OECD Common Reporting Standard and Chapter 3 Withholding. DivDoc. takes the pain out of compliance by seamlessly integrating KYC & AML checks

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Decentralised KYC network that seeks to bridge the compliance gap between the real and virtual worlds.

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Developing the next gen blockchain-based KYC and AML tech for cash intensive industries

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A platform for uncovering bitcoin network activity in a visually compelling and comprehensible form, assisting bitcoin-related businesses in fulfilling AML/KYC compliance responsibilities as well as conducting full-scale

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Paxata is the first Adaptive Data Preparationâ„¢ platform built for the analyst to turn raw data into ready data for analytics. Leverages machine learning and governance to automate the data collection to help with Anti-Money

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AI and Cognitive Computing to Reach Deep-Insights for Investigation, Vetting and Other Security-related Activities. Corporate Risk Anti-Bribery/Anti-Corruption Compliance Investigations Due Diligence Governance Human Resources

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DocumentationHQ helps banks and businesses manage KYC/AML documentation.

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An automated technology driven Self Compliance System, meeting regulatory demands of AML, Sanction adherence, KYC... beyond spelling mistakes, dialect diversity and intentional deceptions

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AML/KYC as a service for the Cryptocurrenty Industry and beyond

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Multiple source KYC data analysis

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