

A decentralized ecosystem of an identity verification tool using national big-data and blockchain.

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MATRIX is an open-source blockchain platform that supports smart contracts and machine learning services. With its infrastructure re-built with artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, MATRIX revolutionizes the user experience of

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New blockchain with totally decentralized P2P economic infrastructure which authenticates digital rights, transfers contracts, and turns digital information into assets through blockchain technology.

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Hsuanzhang, an online financial and tax services provider to small and medium enterprises in China.

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Company registration, intellectual property, tax and social security and legal services are Green Dog's four core business.

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JianFabang is an online document automation service for startups. SaaS platform that provides interactive legal documents for beginner and early adopters, and is committed to providing users with low-cost, high-quality online

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FaGouGou is an ‘AI assistant’ that provides case prediction and precedents analysis in graphs and charts for Criminal offense, Labor dispute, Marriage and family affairs, Traffic accident

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Find a good lawyer or Quickly find cases. Marketplace

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Kuaifawu(meaning fast legal service) is China’s leading on-demand corporate legal service. The bulk of KU’s clients are in the IT sector

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offers basic trademark registration free of charge. Other services include trademark changes and transfers and copyrights for art, texts, and computer software

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