
Lupl is an open industry platform for legal matters, in development with the support of a global community of legal departments and law firms by CMS, Cooley and Rajah & Tann Asia

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The Rohirrim platform uses generative AI to leverage a company's proprietary data and automatically generate customized content like proposals, white papers, and grant applications.

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GridPoint accurately collects data and analyzes your building’s energy consumption.

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Hypori's SaaS delivered virtual workspace frees customers from liability and security risks and preserves privacy for the mobile end-user.

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Identity-driven cloud security.

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ActiveNav is the data privacy and governance software provider and innovator of DMaaS (Data Mapping as a Service.)

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iLumin provides enterprise message management tools that deliver comprehensive solutions for corporate message systems.

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A Information Technology and Services company.

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Active Navigation is a data privacy and governance software company.

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Metricly is an adaptive monitoring solution that helps monitor cloud services, applications, infrastructure, and public cloud costs.

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