
LegalMation provides a suite of artificial intelligence tools to help litigation attorneys and legal professionals practice .

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Docbot is an AI technology company that offers AI-assisted image analysis solutions to revolutionize gastrointestinal care.

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The leading facility and asset lifecycle management software providing cost saving and data-driven insights. Ecotrak offers a mobile-first, web-based asset management SaaS platform to manage its facilities online.

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Bringing clarity and transparency to Web3. Sonarverse is the web3 data source for analytics, business intelligence, and data sciences.

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Briefpoint is a tech company built specifically to support attorneys and litigation professionals.

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CaseMate is an AI-powered legal assistant designed to revolutionize the way attorneys manage their practices.

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Geraci is a full-service law, media, and consulting firm that specializes in representing non-conventional lenders.

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JusticeText is strengthening the ability of public defenders to analyze this crucial data with their evidence management software.

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A provider of visibility and governance platform for on-premises, hybrid and cloud IT environments.

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Prodoscore provides insights into employee productivity in the form of one simple score.

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