Enlighta is a leading provider of on-demand and on-premise ITIL delivery and Outsourcing management solutions. Govern Suppliers, Performance & Contracts Compliance Learn More Monitor and Reduce Third Party Risk?

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Contract Lifecycle Management & Electronic Signature A cloud-based unified platform for creating and signing contracts between companies. A flexible way for contract lifecycle management at anytime from any device by automating

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H4 is a digital platform transforming the documentation that underpins global financial markets and legal contracts. H4 is a utility for the marketplace to benefit investment banks, law firms, financial investors, issuers and

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Intelligent Systems for Law Serein is an advanced AI system developed for legal teams. Helps clients to automate the review and mark-up of routine legal contracts using AI. By extracting data, lawyers can better understand and

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Leverage all data in your contracts at the moment of need visual clause landscaping gives the complete picture negotiate with clause intelligence at your fingertips understand the true market position

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Business intelligence from AI contract analytics. Extract structured data and uncover unprecedented insights from your company’s contracts to optimise your business. Contracts are the ultimate source of truth for every asset,

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Artificial Intelligence to generate efficiencies in the management of documents, contracts and legal cases. Digital Transformation, DeepData, Analytics, MachineLearning, Deeplearning

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Almanac is a cloud-based platform for professionals to create, collaborate, and share open-source work contracts ;)

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We keep you all warranties we warn you of deadlines we support you in case of defects we protect you data and privacy we manage your contracts

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Engage, identify & sell end-to-end solutions to manage the entire customer journey. identification documents in over 174 countries and enabling the electronic signature of contracts. automated based on artificial intelligence,

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