standardized contracts, simplified process, better results

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Rock Paper Coin is a platform providing a way the wedding industry accepts contracts and payments.

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Contractzy (formerly The Legal Capsule) is an enterprise legal contract lifecycle management platform. The platform provides contract templates, drafting, negotiation, storing signing, and legal contracts, to help businesses to

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AkaCRM equips businesses with implementation, comprehensive advisory and support services for ecosystem application providers. Conga Contracts, Conga Composer, Conga Sign

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AI-powered Contract Execution Platform, available by subscription. 3rd Party Contracts, Legal AI, Legal contract analysis, contract comparison, contract collaboration and negotiation, artificial intelligence

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Conga’s suite of solutions creates more efficient organizations by simplifying and automating data, documents, contracts and reporting.

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This service was created to help developers to identify bugs and vulnerabilities in smart contracts. We audit smart contracts written in Solidity.

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We work with our developers and lawyers to combine technology and law to generate automated contracts for various sectors that are accessible via the cloud. Both private and governmental organizations currently benefit from our

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Slash Technology Spend. OneView is the only contract management tool built for technology contracts

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Continuum Technology offers a software that manages executive availability, contracts, invoices, and payments.

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