Astra Protocol offers on-chain dispute resolution system by adding a legal assurance layer to block-chain-based smart contracts.

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Batis is a collaborative platform in SaaS mode for construction professionals that allows them to manage all the contracts.

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My Pocket Counsel is a legal technology tool that generates and manages contracts.

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AirDeck is an SaaS that enables users to create shareable presentations and documents such as contracts with narrated voice or video.

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Spellbook uses GPT-3 to review and suggest language for your contracts, right in Microsoft Word.

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Integrated hardware and software solution that enables self-forming wireless mesh networks over long-range radio based on Blockchain. Telehash - end-to-end message encryption TMesh - self-forming radio mesh networks Blockname -

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Scale your contract review & negotiations using AI driven playbook automation (within Microsoft Word). ContractKen Intelligent Repository is used to store, find, search in and query signed contracts.

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Send fully customisable project proposals to your clients. From pricing, to individual timings and deliverables, you set the rules. With automated contracts, NDAs and invoices, you can finally stop worrying about paperwork. Enjoy

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Your Assistant for Creating, Signing, Automating & Tracking contracts. Leveraging Open AI and Blockchain.

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Lawgood makes it fast and easy for lawyers to draft and review market-driven contracts.

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