
Youristo provides online legal services and IT solutions for businesses, including document automation, data enrichment, and judicial practice analysis.

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Dill is a scalable data availability network. Dill is a scalable, modular data availability network compatible with Danksharding, offering 10-100x more throughput than other DA networks, with shared security from BTC and ETH.

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Legal document marketplace with documents, articles, and tools for businesses and individuals. Users can purchase, rate, and request new content, and authors can sell their own legal materials.

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Using AI to identify sources of harm and eliminate them by using the litigation system to hold responsible parties to account.

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Leveraging Web 3 and smart contracts for trusted, transparent connections in agriculture . AgriTech, FinTech, GreenTech

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RealtyCloud provides real estate due diligence reports in Russia, checking for legal issues, debts, and risks before buying/renting. Reports use data from 20+ official sources, cost 299+ rubles, and are delivered in 30 minutes.

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No code platform for the automation of forms, decisions, documents and workflow, using only drag and drop.

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PrivacyLine is an automated compliance tool for personal data laws, with features like data processing accounting, reporting, access control, and a knowledge base.

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Legal Documents made clear for any person through design. Legal design transforms complex documents into user-friendly, efficient ones. Bits offers services like training, software, and a portfolio of successful legal design

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Tracklab is a B2B compliance software helping regulated companies manage their mandatory supplier documentations.

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